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Clients & Profits provides a simple, yet powerful, function for finding checks  

The Find Checks window makes it easy to find one check quickly, as well as find all checks ever written to the single vendor. Checks are located by searching on a specific field (i.e., check number, vendor, check date, etc.) using a selected method (i.e., last added, contains, etc.).

If you know the check’s number, finding that check is easy: enter the check number, then click Find. The complete check appears in the Checkbook window. But what if you don’t know the check number? The other “find by” options are more flexible: you can find all of the checks for one vendor, for example, then browse through the list until you find the right one.

Checks can be found by sequence, check number, vendor number, payee, and check date. In all cases you’ll choose a find by option, enter a search value (such as an check number or a payee name), then click Find. Clients & Profits will search the check data file, listing all of the checks that match your search selections. Once the checks are listed, they can be sorted by clicking on a column heading (to sort checks by date, for instance). If Clients & Profits X didn’t find the checks you were looking for, click the Find Again button then repeat these steps. Once you’ve found the right check, double-click on it to view its complete details, including cost or payment amounts.

To find the last-added check

When the Checkbook window is opened, the last-added check is shown automatically. If the check found wasn’t the one you wanted, click the Next and Previous buttons in the tool bar to browse through the check data file.

To find a check

1 From the Checkbook window, click the find button (or choose File > Find Check).

When the Find Checks window opens, it automatically shows the last set of checks (or one check) you'd found.

See every check you’ve written To find all checks ever written to a vendor, choose vendor from the find by menu then enter the vendor number. Sort the vendor’s checks by clicking on column headings.

Choose a find field, such as check number, using the Find By pop-up menu.

3 Choose a search method, such as exact match, using the Show pop-up menu.

Depending on the find field you chose, the Show options include exact match (which finds exactly what you enter), first added, last added, contains (which finds checks which contain the field value you entered).

4 Enter the find value, such as the invoice number or vendor number, then click Find.

If only one check was found, the Checkbook opens showing the check. If several checks are found, they’ll be listed in the Find window. Double-clicking on an check number displays the entire check.

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