Here's Clients & Profits X 10.5 -- new for 2017. It's been enhanced with some of the best features from the Clients & Profits Cloud upgrade. If you're using C&P X 10.4, the upgrade is installed automatically. If not, click here

Clients & Profits X 10.5 upgrade contains many improved features and reports as well as dozens of fixes and enhancements, all based on suggestions from users. It's all to make your investment in C&P X more valuable until you're cloud-ready.
Export Key Financials to Google Docs, Microsoft Excel
The trial balance, balance sheet, income statement, and YTD G/L can now be saved as XML files.
New Email Engine
The email engine has been rebuilt to support modern security standards. This makes sending C&P email faster and more reliable, especially with spotty internet connections.
Vendor Priority Payments
A new option lets to tag vendors that should get paid before other vendors. The Auto-Pay window and the A/P Aging report highlight these invoices with a checkmark so that the most important vendors get paid first.

Improved Production Calendar
The job task-based Production Calendar now shows staff availability, company events, and holidays to make tracking deadlines easier. Also, deadlines can now be filtered by department or staff member.
Faster Job Summary Reports
If you're using Clients & Profits X with MySQL or SQL Server, job summary reports now print 2-3X faster.
Batch invoice PDFs
Invoices can now be emailed to clients in batches as PDF attachments. Emailed invoices have a custom email subject and body. They can be emailed to the invoice?s billing contact or any client contact with an email address, as well as the job's account exec.

Drag-and-Drop Logos
Logos of any size and graphic format can now be dragged from your computer into the logo fields in Preferences. They'll be automatically resized and optimized for invoices, estimates, etc.

Email AE Job Summaries
You can now send job summaries as PDFs from Snapshots > Work in Progress to their respective AEs with a single click. Both the single Job Summary report and the Job Summary by AE/Team group report can be emailed directly from C&P X.

New 1096 Form
The 1099 Reports window now has an option to print 1096 forms, which are required for tax-exempt organizations, instead of standard 1099 forms.
Estimate Cover Page
An optional cover page can now be printed for a client's project estimate. Similar to a client statement, the cover page provides a one-line summary for jobs with the same project name.

Finishing Job Tasks
Job tasks can be marked as finished from the Job Ticket window by right-clicking on them then using the pop-up menu:

Clients & Profits X 10.5 is free to current support subscribers. Past subscribers can upgrade at no charge when they renew their annual support subscription. With your support subscription you'll get free updates, live one-on-one telephone support, and free C&P X updates for life. Call (800) 272-4488 today.
Missed the Clients & Profits X 10.4 upgrade? It included some of the best features from the C&P Cloud upgrade, as well as hundreds of fixed and enhancements based on your feedback:
Smart Timer
Track your time with a pop-up timer that follows you, and makes keeping time almost effortless, and forgetting to keep it almost impossible.
Production Calendar
One day (week, or month) at a time. All open jobs and tasks with all deadlines across all clients (or customize to just those you work on). View by month, week or day. Not available in Job Tracker or Classic
Creative Dashboard
Here's the ultimate home page for anyone who works with jobs. The new Creative Dashboard puts your jobs, tasks, and deadlines front and center, in your face, right between your eyes: What's due today? Click. Who's talking about what? Click. What's coming up? What do I need to approve? What happens next? Click. Click. Click. You'll only see your own jobs, tasks, and to do's instead of the clutter you get from other traffic systems. And, the integrated Click Time Card tracks your hours as you work -- it's brilliantly simple.
Formerly called Work To Do, but now so much more. It's mission control for traffic, the nerve center of the schedule. And it lets you totally dominate deadlines. The reinvented Deadlines dashboard lets you master every to-do for every job for every staffer. Take total control over the work that's needed, who's doing the work, and when the work is due. Everything you do here syncs instantly with Jobr Mobile and the live traffic reports, so the team never has to ask you "where are we on this job?"
Jobr Mobile
Manage jobs, update traffic, enter time, and keep things moving anywhere, anytime. Jobr is a web-based project manager that allows anyone to access their Clients & Profits database from a web-browser or iPad anywhere they have an internet connection. Perfect for production managers, Jobr makes it easy to keep your agency running smoothly without being chained to your desk.
Right-sizable Windows
The windows you use most can now be resized and rearranged to better suit how you work, which really takes advantage of large monitors and multiple displays. Clients & Profits X 10.4 will remember your window settings so they open where you want them to, even if you use someone else's computer. |
ClickTime Card
Time is on your side. Your time card automatically lists all the tasks you're assigned to - with nothing to enter. Just click on the task, enter the hours and bam! - you're done.
Auto Updates
Clients & Profits X 10.4 is now automatic self-updating, so your users will always have the most up-to-date new features, enhancements, and fixes.
Gmail Compatibility
The new C&P X now supports Secure Socket Layer email connections, so C&P mail can be sent using Gmail and other SSL-based SMTP mail systems.
 Missing Time Worksheet
Perfect timing. Review and approve multiple time sheets by department - with one click. Staff members can be notified by email automatically if any problems with time entries are found. The Missing Time Worksheet compares planned hours with actual hours and highlights anything missing.
How do you make something tedious into something fun? Prizes, of course! Here's how to get rewarded for keeping perfect time -- and motivate others to do the same. Every week your timely time card is automatically entered into a drawing for amazingly creative prizes chosen by the crack C&P prize committee. Two winners are chosen at random. We take care of everything -- free. Hey, you may already be a winner. But it's win-win for everyone.
Client Retainer+Billing Recap
The recap brings together a client's retainer billings, invoices with retainers applied to them, and job billings not covered by retainers into a single report. Whether you're looking at this month, the last year, or for the life of a client, it's never been easier to see the net billings of your retainer clients.
Unapproved A/P Report
Approving vendor invoices for payment is a smart move if the people writing the checks are different from the people adding the payables. Without the approval step, a questionable invoice might be paid before the dispute can be resolved, costing you money that's often hard to get back. Until now, there wasn't a simple way to get a checklist showing every unapproved invoice, now there is.
Job Analysis Reports by Team
Insightful job reports like Estimate vs. Billing can now pulled by AE/Team, making it easy to compare one team's performance against another.

Write-off Report
Job costs that can't be billed cost you real money. And knowing why those costs were written-off is critical to making the most of your work. The new Write-off Report summarizes these costs so that you prevent them from happening on future jobs.
One-click Sales Tax Updates
Changing your sales tax rates for every client used to be tedious. No more. There's a new option in Sales Tax preferences that copies the new sales tax rates and tax liability G/L accounts to each and every client. Now updating your sales tax rates takes only seconds.
Sortable Job Hot Sheets
The Job Hot Sheet report now sorts jobs by date added, start date, due date, or date closed depending how you selected the jobs to to printed.
Media Traffic
The Media Traffic window lets you view all space and time deadlines for buys on media plans, estimates, and orders. The window lists two important deadlines for the media department: space closings and materials due. The new Media Traffic report has been expanded to show more useful detail.