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Kaiser Permanente
Pasadena, California

Marketing communications

4 full-time

Clients & Profits Job Tracker


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aiser Permanente is known for providing superior health care to millions of Americans at a reasonable cost. Their ability to accomplish this amazing feat occurs by carefully watching every dollar the company spends and always striving to find better, more accurate ways to control costs. When it came time for Kaiser Permanente's Small Business Unit in Pasadena, California to find a better way to manage their budget and resources, they turned to Clients & Profits.

Excel-based tracking system wasn't doing the job

Anthony Rosas, Marketing Communications Project Manager, explains why they dumped their old Microsoft Excel-based tracking system. "It just wasn't doing the job for us. We needed more powerful reporting features, a program we could trust and depend upon. Clients & Profits fit the bill nicely for us."

This four-person unit surprisingly tracks over four hundred projects at any given time. "Clients & Profits Job Tracker really streamlined our process. The efficiency of Job Tracker gives us a good handle on every aspect of our operation. Tracking so many projects could really be confusing, but with Clients & Profits we have a clearer picture of each project, and the system allows us to make concise and timely decisions. With Clients & Profits we're more organized on updates and schedules,too," Rosas says.

Less confusion, more timeliness

It took longer than anticipated for Clients & Profits to pay for itself, but Rosas is quick to explain.

"We didn't utilize the system to its full potential at first, so the payback to Kaiser was a little slower than we expected." He admits somewhat sheepishly that it was probably close to six months before everyone became familiar and comfortable with the system. "We've changed since purchasing Clients & Profits. It forced us to get organized, and now everything runs very smoothly. There is less confusion with tracking the jobs, issuing purchase orders and so forth."

"Our outside vendors seem to like the appearance of our purchase orders. I've heard no complaints, so I assume everyone is as happy as we are with the appearance of the paper work. Everything is timely and we like that." Rosas also noted that Clients & Profits "is designed to make everyone accountable. I like that aspect of Job Tracker best."

Skeptical staffers

There was little resistance to Clients & Profits from the department members. "Actually, they were more skeptical, if anything. There was just so much to take in at first. Even though Excel wasn't really doing the job for us, it was familiar." But once they began to see what Job Tracker could do for Kaiser Permanente - and how it increased their efficiency - they got excited about using it.


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