Home > Clients & Profits X for MySQL > Installing Clients & Profits X for MySQL on a Windows Server

Installing Clients & Profits X for MySQL on a Windows Server

Clients & Profits Pro X and Job Tracker X can connect to any Windows-based MySQL 5.0.x database server. MySQL is cross-platform, so is freely available for many different operating systems.

Important Information MySQL is not a zero-maintenance database. It is much more difficult to install and manage than the built-in Clients & Profits X database. That’s why installing, configuring, and maintain MySQL requires experienced database administrator (or at least an experienced PC technician who is willing and able to learn MySQL). Your database administrator must know how to configure your hardware, operating system software, and the MySQL software. The Clients & Profits Helpdesk does NOT support installing, setting up, or maintaining your MySQL database.

Preparing your Windows server for MySQL.

MySQL provides a freely available edition of their server software called MySQL Community. For more informtion, please click here

For more information regarding MySQL, or to purchase MySQL Enterprise, please call MySQL Sales at (425) 743-5635 to request a commercial license.

You will also need MySQL Administrator 1.0.9 (or greater) software for Windows. This application is needed to add databases (called “schemas”), manage your databases, and monitor the server’s performance.

Once downloaded, install the MySQL Administrator application onto your MySQL server.

To configure your Windows server for Clients & Profits X.

To configure your Windows server for Clients & Profits X and MySQL, you’ll first need to install the C&P X application onto the server. It will be used to initially set up your Clients & Profits X database, then used only to maintain the database.

Before using Clients & Profits X, you’ll need to configure MySQL 5 Community for each database. There are two sample databases you’ll need to configure: (1) the tutorial database, which is used for new user training or evaluating the Clients & Profits X and (2) the sample database that you’ll use for testing reports.

To use these databases with Clients & Profits X, they need to be imported into the MySQL database. The import process is mostly automatic, but MySQL needs to be first configured to handle each database. Once imported, users can start working with these databases.

While most shops only have one database, an unlimited number of databases can be maintained by Clients & Profits Pro X. In some cases, companies with different businesses (such as an autonomous PR company) would create a separate database for each unit. Each database has a unique name and set of authorized users. All of the company’s databases would be store in MySQL and opened as needed. However, Clients & Profits X can only open one database at a time per workstation.

To install C&P X for MySQL on the Windows server

  1. Download the Clients & Profits X demo installer, Installation guide,
    and Tutorial.df1 file from
  2. Un-zip and install Clients & Profits X, following the prompts.

Follow the instructions for installing and configuring the MySQL server here.

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